Overview of the Research Institute

Striving for High Research Quality,
Based on Field Work Only Possible at JFC with its Large Number of SME Clients

1) Functions and Features of the Research Institute

Research Institute is a comprehensive research institution whose research targets are a diverse range of SMEs, from micro businesses operated only by entrepreneurs and their families to high-tech ventures on the verge of going public. Relying on questionnaire- and interview-based surveys, as well as other types of field work only possible at JFC with its large number of SME clients, the Research Institute engages in highly specialized, original, and leading-edge research activities.

Functions and Features of the Research Institute

2) Surveys on SME Business Sentiment

The Research Institute has been conducting several surveys on SME business sentiment. The most important one is “Quarterly Survey on SME Trends,” as described below.

Quarterly Survey on SME Trends

This quarterly survey is comprised of two parts: the micro business section, which surveys 10,000 micro businesses having fewer than 20 employees; and the SME section, which surveys about 13,000 SMEs that generally employ at least 20 workers. It is a massive survey of economic outlook, which covers the whole gamut of SMEs, from self-employed individuals to businesses employing 300 workers.

Monthly Survey on SME Trends

This monthly survey of business sentiment covers 900 relatively large SMEs. The feature of this survey is that in Japan's three major metropolitan areas, the manufacturing industry is given heavy emphasis. The survey has a history of more than 50 years since its inception in 1963, and its sales forecast diffusion index (DI) has been adopted by the Japanese government as a leading index of economic indicators.

Monthly Survey on Micro and Small Business Trends

This monthly survey targets 1,500 micro and small businesses having fewer than 20 employees. The survey captures the current business sentiment of small businesses in a timely manner by telephone surveys, which reduce the turnaround time for reporting.

3) Thematic Research on the Current State and Issues Faced by SMEs

Surveys are conducted by selecting timely themes, such as the issues faced by SMEs, industries centered around SMEs, and trends in regional economies. Further research is conducted based on the survey results. Research findings are compiled into papers and reports, and are disseminated by means of journals, books, and other publications, as well as by way of academic societies, various types of research projects, and symposia.

*Some papers, reports, and survey results can be viewed on JFC's website.

Japan Finance Corporation Symposium

Research Institute hosts a symposium every year.

Discussions will be held between staff from the Research Institute and external panelists on on-going research findings. Participation of many people interested in this field such as SME scholars/researchers, SME owners and journalists, are highly appreciated.

In FY2019, the Research Institute held an event on “Regional Revitalization and SME Development in the Tourism Nation Era: Results and Possibilities Brought About by the Increase in Inbound Tourists.”

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